9 Reasons Why You SHOULD Move To Italy

Last time I spoke about what you SHOULD NOT move to Italy, but in this expat podcast, episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, I want to balance things out and talk about why you SHOULD in fact consider moving to Italy and only some of the reasons why I love living in Italy and in a small city. I wanted to share 9 of my favorite things about living life abroad as a dual citizen American expat in Italy. Regardless of where you are from, life as a foreigner in Italy presents so many wonderful moments that present a person with so many eye-opening experiences. As I've said so many times, even with all of the drawbacks, complications and dare I say problems that expat life in italy may present, these things are only part of the reason why I feel blessed to be able to call this country home.


DON'T Move To Europe - Here are 8 reasons why


9 Reasons Why Not To Move to Italy