Expat Problems - Communication Problems

Unfortunately so many expat problems can come from miscommunication. In this expat podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, we will discuss how important it is to know your 'audience' as an expat living abroad. In your expat life, you will cross paths with many different kinds of individuals. It's important to know what topics and subjects are worth discussing and which ones may be worth holding back. From my experience as an American living abroad, I've come to realize that based on my country of origin, there are individuals that will discount my contribution to a conversation, giving a simple reason starting with words such as "Yeah, but you Americans are..." Even as an American in Italy, even more so as an Italian American in Italy... and even more so as an Italian American in Italy with Italian citizenship by descent, there will be those individuals who will never see a person who isn't born and raised Italy as an Italian because, from their perspective and understanding of the world, that simply can't be. Of course, regardless of your location, communication is always key. But is it always necessary... and is less more?


I love Italy! Why I Live In Italy 🙋🏻‍♂️❤️🇮🇹


Cost of Living in Italy As an Expat | Main Monthly Costs