Dating In Italy

The Italy Green Pass guidelines and future use has been announced. Even though I haven't been the most optimistic regarding what things would be looking like going forward for life in Italy, I was truly hoping the next update on what's going on living in Italy would be that this is finally all over... Unfortunately, we're not out of the woods yet. It has been announced what things will look like in Italy with the new "Italy green pass" at least until the end of 2021 for individuals who would like to take part in events and social activities indoors. It's been interesting to see how these new rules have been put together. Things seem to be a lot less restrictive than what I would have expected in some ways, and I truly hope that the right choices have been made. As time goes on, I'll be keeping a closer eye than usual on the Italy covid updates and the new "vaccine passport"


The Italian Green Pass - Update 2


Italy Introduces The New Green Pass Restrictions