Online dating while living abroad as an American Expat

With dating apps like Bumble and Tinder, you would think dating would become simplified and much more efficient... no? In this expat audio-only exclusive episode of Not Your average Globetrotter, I'm going to get into another topic that I normally would never talk about on YouTube. The world of dating online has become overly complicated especially with all of the scammers and catfish out there. After recently speaking with Leslie Grant host of the Interstates and Heartbreak Podcast, I decided It was about time to give these dating apps another go. Thanks to this inspiration and jumping back into the deep end of the online dating app world, I found myself matching with a catfish. While I did enjoy the interaction at first, I also found myself becoming quite disappointed when coming to the realization this wasn't who they seemed to be. I'm the type of person who tries to do the best that I can to be upfront and represent myself as I am and I don't like surprises when it comes to dating. I feel it's only fair if that's what I'm looking for I should live up to that and I would like someone to have similar ideas on the subject as well.... unfortunately we live in a world where this doesn't seem to be the consensus....


ITALY WILL OPEN SOON!!! But is it a good idea?


Living in Italy in 2021 - LET'S GO OUTSIDE FINALLY!!!