Don't ever do this in Portugal! - Living in Portugal

Whether you're going to live in Portugal or travel to Portugal, there are a few things you may want to avoid during your time in this country. If you are moving to Portugal, it can definitely help to take some of these things into consideration ahead of your move to Portugal in order to help your life in Portugal. It doesn't matter if you're an American in Portugal or you are from any other country, there are certain things you may want to keep in mind. Some of these things may come as second nature and others may seem so simple that they may be easy to overlook. In this living abroad expat podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, we'll go over some do's and don'ts for living in Portugal so you can enjoy expat life in Portugal to the fullest!

1:19 - Portugal has its own language and culture
3:13 - Lost in the sauce...
6:54 - Green means go
7:30 - Falling into the trap
13:54 - You're the guest, not the host
16:12 - These Boots Are Made for Walkin'
18:06 - Here's your hat what's your hurry?
19:17 - Should have been an F1 driver...


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