Elisa Siragusa Is Still Fighting Against Italian Citizenship Jure Sanguinis & Jure Matrimonii

For those of you who have been keeping up with my youtube channel and the subjects that I speak about such as Italian Citizenship,you may be familiar with a video I made somewhat recently responding to the ludicrous crusade of Elisa Siragusa. For context to this video I recommend watching my original response to her which was released on August 8th 2020 and titled "No More Italian Citizenship by Descent Jure Sanguinis?" video #146. The link to that video will be in the pinned comment below this video. Because I feel so strongly about the subject of Jure Sanguinis / Italian Citizenship by Descent and because of how many of you have been asking if there are any updates to the situation, I felt it was necessary to make this video. Even though I don't believe there is any reason to be concerned for the time being, I must say I still do find her rhetoric misleading, "reaching" and both concerning and disturbing. I am and will always be of the opinion that the subject of Jure Sanguinis does not need to be in the same discussion when the subject of citizenship by naturalization arrises as it is a clear comparison between apples and oranges.


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