Expat Dating: Love & Culture Collide

Whether you move abroad for love or move abroad and love finds you, understanding yourself and the cultural differences between your culture and your significant other can be very important. In this living abroad / expat podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, I share my experiences with expat dating abroad and discuss the unique challenges faced by those looking for love in another country. As we delve into the importance of understanding cultural expectations and the essential role of communication and adaptability, we’ll also take a look at how these factors contribute to building strong connections with others. Living abroad in Portugal offers a fresh perspective on dating while living overseas, and together we'll uncover the emotional journey of navigating the highs and lows of looking for love abroad while embracing a new culture. Join me on this moving abroad podcast as I share some of what I’ve learned along the way and some personal stories that may resonate with those of you who have ever tried to find love while living far from home.


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