Expat Expectations of Life in Italy

Expat life in Italy is something that many enter into with many preconceptions and expectations about what living in Italy holds for them. I know before moving to Italy I had plenty of misconceptions about being an expat living in Italy, and over time I've seen that many of those misconceptions have been shared by others. I've always heard things like "is Italy safe?" "is Naples safe?" is Rome safe?" and "are there pickpockets and do I have to be worried about scams in Italy?". Many people also come to Italy with expectations of Italian food based on what their countries version of Italian food can look like. As an American living abroad, I also enjoy hearing about the experiences of other expats who live in other countries and also enjoy comparing and contrasting our expat experiences. One particular subject I have found interesting is something that I also talk about in this video regarding expat life in Spain vs Italy.


Italy Lockdown Update & Italy Christmas 2020 - What's Happening In Italy #7- December 4th 2020


Palermo Sicily - My Unseen Footage From Before 2020