Expat Life - Still Living Abroad After 12 Years

Expat life, mine has definitely had both its ups and downs. After living abroad, I can say that I always feel like I'm learning something new, not only about where I am but also about myself and how my life abroad has changed over the past 12 years. In this expat podcast, we'll touch not only on expat problems but also I will quickly touch on living abroad as a digital nomad and why I am not a fan of it. There are people who know that working as a digital nomad is the right choice for them, but after getting to know myself even better on this expat journey, I know that becoming a digital nomad wouldn't be the right choice for me.... this is aside from just the difficulty of finding digital nomad jobs, or any sort of online job to begin with. The question is: " Is becoming an expatriate for everybody?" Maybe not, but is it worth trying anyway? Of course!


Cost of Living in Italy As an Expat | Main Monthly Costs


Cost of Living in Italy | Italian Cell Phone and Home Internet