Getting Paid to Move to Italy - Is It Worth It? [VIDEO]


Get paid to move to Italy $27,000 over the course of 3 years coming to €700 per month. If you would like another video with more details on the subject let me know down in the comments below. The Italian region of Molise is offering people moving from abroad to Italy financial assistance as part of their new initiative called "Active Residence Income" to take part in the program to promote Molise Italy immigration. Similar to the 1 euro house program this is another initiative to help revitalize dying parts of the nation. For those looking to move to the Italian countryside and to take part in something that will help become a productive member of their new country, this can be a wonderful opportunity. Moving to Italy and moving abroad comes with its challenges, but are you ready to move to Molise?


Renting a place to live in Italy [VIDEO]


Expat Life - Frustration with "the little things" [VIDEO]