Living in Italy's Lockdown 2021 vs 2020

The 2021 Italy lockdown has been very much at the forefront of my thoughts for quite some time, especially since I live in Italy. With lockdown fatigue becoming part of daily life, there has been plenty of time to notice what's been going on this year during lockdown vs last year during the lockdown in Italy. This year we've seen more clarification regarding the rules here. This becomes quite apparent when noticing the easing of tension when walking down the street. As an expat living abroad, there are always the challenges you face, but then life as an expat in Italy presents a very specific set of things to overcome. Figuring out the way to get past and move on and grow from these experiences can make all the difference while living in Italy, and it's something I can say that I'm also personally working through at this moment in time. Sometimes you just need to strip everything back, take away the frills and take a moment to just work through these moments.


Cruise Ships Banned From Venice & Lockdown Extension/Health Situation Updates


Working In Italy & Living in Italy - From an Italian Perspective