Living In Italy Under Lockdown [VIDEO]

Living in Italy under lockdown has become something that recently seemed more and more likely. Then, earlier this week that became a reality. Life in Italy under lockdown has changed every aspect of daily life. It's beyond surreal, the streets are unbelievably quiet, a very strange thing in a country not known for its lively people. For those of us living in Italy, coronavirus has shown us a window into what may happen in other places, please be careful out there! Living under lockdown, is something I never thought would ever become a reality. Since this video was edited there has now been a call to tighten the restrictions in the Italy quarantine by some politicians. Let's see what happens.. Just like abroad, I've noticed that in Italy, news has been full of mixed reports, and unfortunately finding all of the correct most up to date info can be difficult. Even as an American in Italy, my view is that I would remain here, even during this troubling time. Lockdown Italy is not the Italy I've known and loved, and I look forward to when we get through this dark page of history.


Grocery Shopping During The Coronavirus Situation in Italy


"Is It Safe To Travel To Italy Right Now?" - Opinion of an Expat in Italy [VIDEO]