Living in Italy Pros and Cons #1 [Video]


Living in Italy, pros and cons... to say the least you will find many. Although you'll find that for any country you might decide to move to when moving abroad. When thinking about moving to Italy it's important to take everything into account, the big things and the small things. In my own opinion if you're getting or have already gotten dual Italian citizenship through Jure Sanguinis, I think regardless of the pros and cons it's worth getting to know your homeland a bit better. But I might just be biassed ;)Whether you're coming to Italy because of your ancestry or if youre thinking about living in italy as a foreigner or living in Italy as an american, it's all has the potential to be a great experience. Life in Italy is what you make it.


Moving to Italy... What are some of the differences? [Video]


DIY Italian Citizenship VS Service Providers [VIDEO]