My Life In Italy - Gelato and Errands (Merano, Italy) [VIDEO]


My life in Italy since arriving almost 2 years ago has been at times quite exciting but of course, I have some regular laidback afternoons too. Because I've been getting requests to show more of Italy and to show more of where I live in Italy. In this video, we'll be going around where I live in Merano, Italy. Gelato in Italy without a doubt is one of my favorite things and absolutely one of the many reasons why I thought moving to Italy and living in italy as an expat in Italy would be a good idea. Even in such a small area, there are many choices of very delicious gelato places. I can for sure say that just based on the number of great gelaterias here in Merano, Italy... that it's one of the best places to live in Italy.


Italian post office... not just a post office [VIDEO]


Life after 10 years abroad... time go back to America? [VIDEO]