Living in Italy - Some Realities Worth Considering

Living in Italy to enjoy the dolce vita is the dream of many around the world. But, only after moving to Italy is when you truly become acquainted with the realities of expat life in Italy. There are so many wonderful aspects to life in Italy, but when you live in Italy and not just enjoying a vacation in Italy, the daily realities of what things are actually like here become much more noticeable. Does that mean every single aspect of what it's like to live in Italy will affect you? More than likely no... however... It is very much worthwhile to be aware of the situation. Knowing what's happening in Italy will help you to be able to better navigate your move to Italy and everything that comes after that. Even though many people have the desire to live abroad in Italy, it's also important to consider some of the factors why many young... and not so young Italians want to move abroad.


Moving To Italy Checklist - Part 1


Venice Italy - Unmasked and Back in Action!