Living in Italy VS The USA (Part 2) - A Few More Differences I've Noticed

I continue to feel blessed to be living in Italy. Even before moving to Italy full time, I noticed many differences between the country I grew up in and this particularly beautiful country. Life in Italy very quickly starts presenting you some of the differences between what it's like to live in Italy vs living in The USA. There is nothing bad or wrong about the differences, it's just simply a different way of life. In this expat podcast episode of Not YourAverage Globetrotter I'll talk about how even though I left the USA more than a decade ago, there are still certain cultural norms that I haven't totally let go of, and seeing the differences still sometimes surprises me... even after almost 5 years since moving to Italy you could almost say I still have some Italian culture shock from time to time.


Online Shopping in Italy


What's so great about living in the USA? - Thoughts After 12 Years of Living Abroad