Stuck At Home Lockdown Blues [SONG]

I'm stuck at home and I've got the lockdown blues, 'nuff said... But hey, you've gotta keep yourself entertained and laughing one way or the other, and this is what works for me. This week I wanted to answer the question that some of you who watch my videos have had "what are you doing during lockdown and social distancing". I wouldn't say I'm bored in the house by any means, I do have my ups and downs, but the lockdown blues won't keep me down. Like the old saying goes "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Life as an expat in Italy isn't always easy, and this time especially hasn't been either, but hey, somehow you've gotta keep going right? Also, please do not take this song seriously in any way hahaha


What I've learned from living In Italy in lockdown [VIDEO]


It's Okay Not To Be Okay