Misconceptions about Dual Citizenship (Copy)

Eurovision - a musical event that is part spectacle, part contest, and entirely captivating. After Accidentally stumbling upon Eurovision in a German hotel, I've been a fan of this event since 2008. It was an unexpected discovery that I've enjoyed since. Many find themselves drawn into the whirlwind of performances, colorful costumes, and the suspense of the voting process. I've seen acts that left me speechless, and others that made me laugh out loud and other's that left me in shock. The sheer diversity of music styles, from pop to folk, from rock to ballads, is an auditory feast, reflecting the rich cultures of the participating countries. Eurovision has introduced me to artists I've come to admire from with music from areas that I hadn't been exposed to before. In this living abroad expat podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, hosted by Rafael Di Furia, we'll take a look at the highs, lows, and unexpected moments of Eurovision and it's own vibrant cultural tapestry.


Doing Business In Europe - A Foreign Perspective


Misconceptions about Dual Citizenship