How to Move to Italy and Navigate the Italian System 101 [VIDEO]


This week's video is about what to do when you move to Italy after gaining Italian Citizenship through Jure Sanguinis. Since moving to Italy and living in Italy is the goal for many people after successfully completing the Jure Sanguinis process I thought it was a good idea to cover what to do before and after arrivng... what documents to get and in what order to get them. This video covers the steps that I took once I finished the Italian Citizenship recognition process and how I got all of the documents and other various subjects I've been talking about such as getting the Codice Fiscale (Italian Fiscal Code), Tessera Sanitaria (Italian National Healthcare Card), Carta d'Identita (Italian Identity card), Italian bank account, getting an apartment in Italy, geting a Italian SIM card and cell phone service in Italy, and more.


Finding work in Italy, is it possible? [Video]


How different is life abroad? [VIDEO]