Moving Abroad & Leaving America For Good - Not Just For the Rich and Famous

Leaving America for good is a consideration more Americans think about each year. While moving to another country may be more possible than most people think, there are still many details to take into account when moving abroad. Before you can even consider planning out your expat life, it is necessary to lay down some foundational work. Since having left America over 12 years ago, I've been blessed to have traveled and to have moved to a number of countries and learned a lot along the way. In this expat podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, I'll be going over part of my method that I've used and what I look at during my research phase before moving abroad. While life abroad may differ greatly from country to country, there will always be constants that are necessary to research for your move abroad. There's not one way of planing a move to Europe, planning a move to Italy, planning a move to Asia or planning a move to South America, you'll have to figure out what is important for you, but even with that said, this episode will lay out a great blueprint to get started with planning to make your new life abroad possible.


What's so great about living in the USA? - Thoughts After 12 Years of Living Abroad


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