Moving Abroad to Portugal VS Italy

Moving to Italy vs. moving to Portugal is a topic I have been thinking about a lot recently after my own move to Portugal from Italy. I can't help finding myself making comparisons to all of the places I've lived and especially Italy. Some things are more attractive about Italy, some others are more attractive about Portugal. Since starting on this new chapter of my expat life in Portugal a number of you have reached out to me and or have left comments about actually trying to decide whether living in Italy or living in Portugal would be the better choice for them. I love both countries and each for different reasons. Both can be lots of fun and lead to a wonderful experience as an expat living abroad. In this expat podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter I wanted to begin a series of videos where I compare and contrast expat life in Portugal vs expat life in Italy.


Life in Portugal - Thoughts After 3 Months (& Speaking Portuguese)


Move To Portugal - Are the popular destinations right for you?