Moving To Braga Portugal vs Lisbon + Porto & Braga Romana Festival


This week I wanted to start talking about what it's like living in Braga, Portugal and compare and contrast it to what it's like living in Lisbon as well as to what it’s like living in Porto. But, this week there also happens to be a festival here where I live in Braga, a festiva called Braga Romana celebrating the roman roots of this Portuguese city. In this episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, we'll not only check out this local festival but also talk about what factors to take into consideration when moving to Portugal. Many digital nomads think about going to a place like Lisbon to maximize on everything the city has to offer, but even a smaller city like Braga still also has plenty to offer. But is it right for you? We'll also briefly talk about the cost of living in Portugal as well as safety and security.


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Porto Portugal - NEVER AGAIN!