Pasta Straws In Italy... wait... WHAT??? [VIDEO]


Pasta straws in Italy seem to have created quite a bit of buzz online. All of the articles were talking about how bars in Italy are using pasta straws, but living here in Italy with access to the types of places these articles were talking about, this didn't make sense to me. But I had questions about these biodegradable straws, "are pasta straws real?" "do pasta straws work" "where can I buy pasta straws". These non-plastic straws have been something that I've only been hearing more and more about so I thought it would be a good idea to go to one of the Italian supermarkets here where I live in Italy. Because life in Italy and what they say living in Italy is like online, I was thinking this, of course, is just "one of those" viral articles. Do pasta straws or so-called "stroodles" work? In this video, we give these paper straw / stainless steel staw alternatives a try.


537 year old Italian outdoor market! [VIDEO]


Expats in Italy & expectations of living in Italy