Living abroad... should you actually avoid other expats? [VIDEO]

Living abroad in Italy as an expat in Italy and embracing expat life may not be quite what most people expect. In past videos, I've talked a lot about avoiding falling into an "expat bubble" and how I've avoided living in an area with a lot of other expats... however, in this video, I wanted to talk about some of the upsides of being part of an expat community. Living in Europe, or anywhere else when moving abroad outside of your country really can come with a sense of "expat loneliness" or isolation for many people. As an American living abroad and having lived abroad in a few countries, I wanted to share some of my thoughts on this in hopes that Americans considering moving abroad or anybody from anywhere else, can be able to move forward with a clearer picture of what can come with living abroad.


Moving Abroad - Looking back on 11 years of being an expat


Europe Travel Ban On USA [VIDEO]