Should You Move Abroad To Another Country - 8 Things to Think About

Even after living abroad for the past 13 years, I still often challenge my own position and think about if expat life is really right for me. After 13 years, clearly, the answer is... yes it is. However, is it right for everyone? Is moving abroad the best choice for you? Living in another country can become quite an undertaking, but if you can understand what you may come across in your new life abroad, then you may find that the bumps in the road are much easier to glide over. In this expat podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, we'll go over 8 factors to take into consideration if you are thinking about becoming an expat and moving to another country.

2:37 - Are you ready and willing to learn another language?
4:50 - The great escape.
6:43 - Are you up for challenging your own ideas and way of living?
10:04 - Are you allowed to?
14:40 - Expectations vs Reality
16:26 - Sustenance
19:50 - Supporting yourself...
23:04 - What makes your soul sing?


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