Walking Through Venice Italy Without Tourists [VIDEO]

Walking through Venice Italy without tourists was something I would have never imagined would be something even possible to see. I've never seen the city so empty, saying that it is shocking, would be putting it mildly. For anybody wondering how an American got to Venice given the current situation, I live in a small city in the same region as Venice, and in the current stage of lockdown in Italy, residents are now allowed to go from city to city within the same region. A big improvement from the former rule of 200 meters from your home. While it was almost spooky to see the city like this, I do have to say it was almost slightly pleasant to be able to go walking through Venice not feel like you're at a major tourist attraction and just be able to see the beauty of Venice and enjoy the city as it is without crowds. But to see the almost empty canals in Venice Italy will be something that I never forget.


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