What I Miss About America [VIDEO]

What I miss about America may not be what many people would first assume someone who is living an expat life abroad would miss. There are many reasons that I could say about the things I love about America, there are almost no dislikes for me personally. But when I left my country, somehow leaving America for good almost seemed like what I may end up doing because this world is such a big place and there's so much to see. I'm not saying it's for everyone, but I'm just one of the people that's adding to the growing number of Americans leaving the USA and living abroad. Some potential expats think about moving to Europe, or moving to Asia, or moving to South America and look at all of the wonderful aspects of living abroad, but sometimes forget the realities of moving abroad and living in Europe or wherever they've chosen. But in hopes of helping someone out there thinking about life abroad, here's a few words from an American expat in Italy.


1 Euro Home In Italy - Why I wouldn't buy one [VIDEO]


An Overview of Low Cost European Airlines [VIDEO]