What I Miss About Living in Italy

Yes, I have no problem admitting I do miss living in Italy, it's only natural. Life in Italy was an amazing opportunity to be able to really get a proper feel for the country and to learn about all the details that you would miss if you were only there on a trip. Italy is a country that could take a person a lifetime to truly get to know, and I'm glad that I did have the past 5 years there if only to get a taste of what that lifetime could look like. Since moving to Portugal, I've had the opportunity to reflect on my time there and realize what it was that had really become part of my life and lifestyle, what little things through the day that were influenced by my ancestry as well as my experience in the country that they came from. My life in Italy is something that has left me with many wonderful memories to look back on, good times with great friends, food, travel and experience the day-to-day realities of what things are like after moving to Italy.


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