What's Happening In Italy - Friday 9 October 2020

What's Happening In Italy - Friday 9 October 2020This week with all of the talk about a possible update I felt that this Friday night it would only be appropriate to share this Italy update. Life in Italy felt like it was just starting to get back to normal, but now I can't help but be concerned about what may be around the corner especially now that the province of Latina near Rome is under lockdown for 2 weeks. A situation that developed between the time of the recording of this video and when it was uploaded. Will we see another national lockdown in Italy? For the time being what are being called "mini-lockdowns" seem to be in discussions. But for now, according to the Italian government and Italian news, things don't seem to be heading in the best direction.


What's Happening In Italy - October 16th 2020


Cost of Living in Italy - Going Out in Italy