Why I Left America More Than 10 Years Ago

Why I left America is not why most people seem to think. In this video, I'll talk about some of the reasons why I left the USA and what was behind the decision. Why I left my country is not easy to fully describe and I may make a follow-up video to this at some point. Describing in just one video all of the moments that brought me to my decision I've found is not enough. I'm just one of many Americans who've left the USA, and I decided to make this video for every nationality including other Americans leaving the USA and wanting to hear the experience and opinions of someone who has already done it. I did leave with the intention of leaving America for good, but who knows? The future is always in motion. As an Italian-American who was eligible for Italian citizenship via Jure Sanguinis, expat life in Italy and living abroad seemed to make the most sense to me.


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Life as an expat can be lonely and isolating...