Working Online as a Digital Nomad In Europe in an AirBNB or Hostel

Before starting life as a digital nomad, it is important to consider how you will be able to not just work online but also most importantly how you will be able to connect to the internet in order to work remotely as a digital nomad from an Airbnb. For those individuals who rely on a solid online connection, it's important to look at all of the options in front of you for whatever country you may be moving abroad to during your life as a digital nomad... and it is even more important to have a backup plan for whatever may happen... Beyond simply connecting to the internet, you also have to consider the space around you and how conducive to your work it will actually be. Is working from a beach something that you're dreaming of? Have you ever tried to work from a beach? The expectation vs the reality may not fully match the dream. It may be ‘too much fun’ so that you want to just relax or just jump in the water and forget about the tasks you need to get done for the day. A remote working lifestyle may work for some, but is it what will be the best option for you? When just getting starting in the digital nomad lifestyle there are some aspects worth trying out before jumping in headfirst. In this expat/ digital nomad podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, I wanted to reply a comment asking about being a digital nomad in Italy, but I also wanted to speak in general about being a digital nomad across Europe, including my new country of residence and talk about being a digital nomad in Portugal.


Porto Portugal - NEVER AGAIN!


Living in Portugal vs Italy - Personal Tax Codes (Italian Codice Fiscale vs Portuguese NIF)