Working Remotely in Portugal - Some Positives and Negatives

In this episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, we'll examine the advantages and disadvantages of working remotely from Portugal. The stunning coastline, historic cities, and laid-back lifestyle have made Portugal a popular destination for both expats and digital nomads alike. Whether you're thinking of making a move to this picturesque country or simply curious about what it's like to work remotely from Portugal as a digital nomad temporarily, this episode will share my "boots on the ground perspective" of the realities you may encounter.

We'll delve into subjects like the cost of living, bureaucracy, and other important factors to consider when living in Portugal. You'll learn about the perks of being an expat in Portugal, such as the friendly locals, the relaxed pace of life, and the numerous positive aspects of living in Portugal. However, it's important to also consider the potential drawbacks, such as the language barrier and the slightly more complex red tape you might have to navigate as a digital nomad or expat living in Portugal.

While a work-life balance is one of the reasons that many people are drawn to Portugal, this episode is meant to function as part 1 of an overview of what it's like to live and work as a remote professional in Portugal. Portugal, like any other location, has its own unique set of positives and negatives that you'll need to weigh and determine if it's the right fit for you. With everything weighed out, I do have to say I find Portugal to be a beautiful country with much to offer those who are seeking a new place to call home.


No More Golden Visa In Portugal (+ AirBNBs & more...) (Copy)


Living Abroad - Embrace Challenges and Live Your Dreams (w/ Amir Ghannad)