Be Less American While Living In Europe (or Traveling)

Living in Europe vs America or just simply being an American traveling abroad can lead a person to many interesting cultural experiences and seeing how different where you are from the rest of the world. 13 years ago when I decided to move abroad, little did I know how even some of the smallest little things from day to day could make a major difference in your overall lifestyle. Life in Europe can be so much fun, but cultural differences are important to understand and embrace. I can say, especially after living in Italy, and moving to Portugal it's quite important to take into consideration the specific differences even when you may find cultures that share some similarities. In this expat living abroad podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, we'll go over some cultural, behavioral and differences in clothing that may help you to avoid attracting more attention to yourself than necessary.

3:07 - The Golden Rule
4:06 - Don't assume...
5:11 - Another flavor of friendly
7:32 - But how are you really doing?
10:50 - The importance of time-sensitive salutations and formality
14:08 - Dress to impress? Or not...?
21:51 - Local Societal norms
23:19 - One of the biggest giveaways.


Don’t Move To Portugal if… (6 reasons) (Copy)


Why I Left The USA 13 Years Ago and What I've Learned Since Then