Don’t Move To Portugal if… (6 reasons) (Copy)

Moving to Portugal for me was unplanned, and unexpected, but I can't even start to begin to explain, how glad I am that I did. There are many wonderful things that living in Portugal can present, but is life in Portugal right for everyone? Making sure your expat life in Portugal goes as smoothly as possible, it's important to think about both the big things like visas and so on, but also the smaller simpler daily realities. What may feel like something small at the beginning can feel like something huge down the line and it also goes the other way... Something that may feel like a big deal at the beginning may actually be quite minor in the grand scheme of things. In this expat podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, we'll go over 6 reasons why you may want to rethink your move to Portugal if you're asking yourself "Should I move to Portugal?"

1:22 - If everything has to go smoothly
4:06 - If you always have to have ketchup on your fries
9:17 - If you think it's going to be like another country
11:01 - If you want to live on the Mediterranean
13:35 - If you're vegetarian
16:37 - If you are really into wintersports


Living in Portugal vs Italy - Personal Tax Codes (Italian Codice Fiscale vs Portuguese NIF)


Be Less American While Living In Europe (or Traveling)