Expats Living in Portugal Will Ruin the Country?

In short no, I don't believe expats in Portugal or any expats living abroad anywhere will ruin the country where they are... however, I do believe there is the potential to be able to help or hurt the situation locally. Expat life can be an eye-opening experience, and living in another country can really help you learn more about yourself as well as understand and appreciate the world around you in a different way than you might in your home country. Is living abroad for everyone? No... absolutely not.... But because I have been talking about topics to do with moving to Portugal, it's the way I'd like to also frame my ideas on this topic/conversation and how it relates to living abroad in Portugal. In this living abroad expat podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, we'll continue the conversation from last week's episode and clarify some of what I wast talking about then regarding working in Portugal, and even talk about how the simple idea of tipping in Portugal could lead to a major shift in one aspect of life here even if it may seem to be something so insignificant at the end of the day...

00:00 - The expats are coming!!
00:11 - Intro
01:17 - As an expat, you’re a guest… NOT the host…
02:34 - Be aware of your surroundings, how you carry yourself and most importantly what you say while living abroad.
04:05 - “Work FROM Portugal, not IN portugal”
08:51 - Result: An Inadvertent Cultural Shift
12:03 - Because you can bring money from abroad, should you?
15:42 - Expat Cultural Crusaders


They Moved To Portugal After Traveling the World


Is CNN Going to Ruin It for Expats In Portugal?