Is CNN Going to Ruin It for Expats In Portugal?

Those who have been enjoying expat life in Portugal know about the wonderful things that this country has to offer. But my question would be: is too much mainstream media attention going to ruin it for the people who have already decided to make a life in Portugal? I'm not saying that I have the answer to that... but I do take issue with the picture that was painted by this article on CNN Travel about Portugal. Some of the simplest sentiments that were written in this piece are things that I personally find quite shocking that they could even say about Portugal and the lack of credit that they give to the Portuguese is something I find appalling... The Portuguese people deserve credit for the beauty and success and attraction of their own country. In this expat living abroad podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter we'll go over a recent article posted to CNN travel called "The European capital of cool that keeps getting cooler" by Richard Quest and Joe Minihane.


Expats Living in Portugal Will Ruin the Country?


Moving to Portugal – Do I regret it?