Life as a Digital Nomad In Italy

Life as a Digital Nomad In Italy is something that so many people dream about. It can come with challenges but in spite of that, it's not impossible and many people are very happy and successful with the countless ways of achieving this goal. Nick, from the Bold Perceptions Podcast, has figured out a way that that works for him where he can live abroad in Italy for the majority of the year and have the ability to live the digital nomad life. I often hear of different ways to move abroad and make that dream a reality, and in this episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter Nick and I also had the chance to not only discuss his digital nomad lifestyle but also discuss how he was able to move to Italy to play football abroad. Living in Italy as an expat can be accomplished in many ways, and in this episode, you'll get to hear how Nick has made it work for him.

Find Nick and his podcast Bold Perceptions below:


Expat VS Digital Nomad - There's a difference!


The Italian Green Pass - Update 2