Living Abroad is Overrated

Yes, I've said it, living abroad is completely overrated! I will never understand the glamorization of living life abroad and expat life as well as the digital nomad lifestyle. Yes, the individuals may be embracing new places and cultures, but how it's seen as glamorous is baffling to me. I realize it may not be an easy decision to make, and for many moving abroad can seem difficult to make happen. But many people would be surprised at the realities of what it really is to live abroad and work abroad. For some people, it's a great temporary experience for a few months, but how much can you truly embrace in a short period of time. This episode is a follow-up to my recent expat podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter entitled "Expat VS Digital Nomad - There's a difference!" episode number 205.


Responding to Sonia Candy's Response To "What I Hate About Italy... well... sort of"


Living in Italy - A Third Culture Kid's Perspective