Responding to Sonia Candy's Response To "What I Hate About Italy... well... sort of"

Living in Italy can present many challenges... but none of the topics in this video could even remotely be considered among them. Yesterday I was quite surprised to find that one of my videos had received a video response, from someone who I'd never had any contact with before. It just so happens the episode in question has been one of the most misunderstood episodes I've ever made "What I Hate About Italy... well... sort of" . But I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Sonia Candy (@SoniaCandyInsta on Instagram) actually was there to join in on the conversation and have some fun. I truly find it shocking how many people have misunderstood that video and think that these are major issues even after I said I laugh about these things and really almost never think twice about them.... I feel truly blessed to be able to live in Italy and make it my home and glad that Sonia was able to laugh along with me at some of these things. Covering everything from Italian food to living in Italy / expat life in Italy to Italian-American vs Italian culture and more, I can say this for me was definitely a fun episode to put together.


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