Living in Portugal - The NHR Tax Regime Was Not for Me

During the research phase of looking into moving to Portugal, many people come across the NHR (Non-Habitual Residence) tax scheme that makes it very interesting to those who qualify when thinking about living in Portugal. Before my move to Portugal, I did quite a bit of research into how I would continue the work activities that I do and to be able to legally work in Portugal. Opening a company in Portugal ended up being the best option for me. Thankfully everything has been moving in the right direction in spite of it taking much longer to finalize everything than I had hoped. I've been quite fortunate during my adventure to open a company in Portugal... This expat podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter is dedicated to those of you who are thinking about moving to Portugal and who are also interested in the NHR tax scheme here but are finding it may not be as ideal as you had hoped...


Move To Portugal - Are the popular destinations right for you?


What I would have done differently when living in Italy...