What I would have done differently when living in Italy...

There are always the ‘shoulda’, ‘coulda’, ‘wouldas’ one has when thinking about what could have been done differently. This is what I reflect on in this video; what I would have done differently before moving to Italy. Expat life in Italy taught me a lot which I hope that those of you who are wanting to move to Italy or moving abroad anywhere, might be helped by. I'm so grateful for the time I was able to spend in Italy and am grateful to not be all that far away now in Portugal. Even if Italy is not where you hope to move to you may find some of the concepts applicable to living abroad in many different countries. In this expat podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter, I wanted to take a few moments to reflect on my time in Italy in hopes that it may help someone who would like to live abroad in Italy.


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